Trayvon In Black And White

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The Trayvon – Zimmerman case is interesting for reasons that go far beyond the case itself.  I paid close attention this week as the prosecutors of this second-degree murder case presented their evidence.  In varying degrees, each prosecution witness was transformed into a defense witness on cross-examination. Some were devastating to the prosecution even on direct examination.  Zimmerman’s story was reinforced, not weakened.

This is a political prosecution, a show trial.  The case is in the courts because the professional race-baiters, the leftist politicians and the leftist media want it there. Each of these entities profits in different ways from this unjust prosecution.  Each of these entities benefits from stirring up racial animosity.

After this case is over, and Zimmerman is acquitted, the violence and hatred that follows should be blamed on those who turned this case into yet another way to make sure that racial wounds never, ever heal.

Here is a sample of the hatred that is being created by the lies surrounding this case.  These are just of few of many comments from the haters:

kill cracker

Trayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not GuiltyTrayvon Martin Fans Tweet Death Threats If George Zimmerman Is Found Not Guilty


Matthew Owens

When the Trayvon story was originally crafted, the race hustlers sold the false narrative that a little black child was hunted down and shot just because he was black.  In their election year agitation, they whipped up some destructive mobs and created significant racial violence.   For example, a group of young blacks in Mobile, Alabama severely beat a white man, Matthew Owens.  He was beaten with bricks, brass knuckles, , chairs and pipes.   One attacker said, “Now, that’s justice for Trayvon.”

As I have watched the news coverage of the first week of the trial, it is clear that some news outlets are intent on continuing with the fabricated story, regardless of the evidence presented at trial.  Their reporting often bears shockingly little resemblance to the actual testimony.  This misreporting will increase the outrage among blacks when Zimmerman is acquitted, and will very likely result in more violence and destruction.  Will the mob-creators be proud of their accomplishment?

The effort to create and sustain racial animosity is a despicable enterprise. Those who orchestrate the anger, posing as advocates for black people, are doing great harm to both blacks and whites and to the cause of racial harmony. Martin Luther King’s dream of a colorblind society will never occur as long as we give a respectful ear to the professional race-baiters.  They are disgraceful and should be treated as such.

In the trial testimony this week, there was evidence of racism in the encounter between Zimmerman and Martin, but it was not the racism the prosecution was hoping for.   Rachel Jeantel was on the phone with Martin when Martin noticed a man in a car following him and watching him.  Martin told Jeantel that the man (Zimmerman) was ” a creepy ass cracker”.

We do have evidence (not part of court testimony yet) about Zimmerman’s attitude toward blacks.  In Zimmerman’s home town, the son of a policeman sucker-punched a homeless black man for the fun of it and the 2010 incident was caught on video.  The police department ignored the assault, as though the black man did not matter, and that offended Zimmerman’s sense of justice.

Zimmerman passed out flyers calling for an arrest and calling for the Sanford police chief to be fired.  There was an arrest and Chief Tooley was fired.  This kind of civic concern for others is what would prompt a man to join the crime-watch team in his neighborhood.

As a side note, Trayvon also had a noteworthy incident involving a homeless man.  Trayvon and his friends came upon a homeless man being beaten up by a man who wanted to steal his bicycle.  Trayvon filmed the fight with his cell phone.  The audio track is Trayvon and his friends laughing as they watch.

Clarice Feldman wrote an excellent column at American Thinker about the Trayvon – Zimmerman case.  She starts out like this:

The  Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case has come to trial this week and the best  thing that’s been said about it is from Thomas Maguire: “I’m proud to say I live  in a country where the show trials look  more like an SNL [Saturday Night Live] skit.

You will enjoy reading the whole thing here.  And there is an excellent summary by Mike McDaniel here. It is entitled, “Week 1: The Narrative Spontaneously Combusts”.


race 2

fill my headThe “instructions” can be good or bad; constructive or destructive. 

We must push aside the destructive voices.

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