Selling Lies

Politicians often sell lies. That’s nothing new. But rather than becoming accustomed to it, I am increasingly angered by it. There was massive lying about Obamacare, constant lying about who pays “their fair share” of the cost of government, lying about the debt crisis, lying about how serious they are about truly dealing with it, lying about the real unemployment rate, etc.. We deserve better from this disgusting group of people whom we mysteriously call “leaders”.

For brazen, ‘in your face’, lying, the current attempt by the Obama Administration to claim that the Libyan violence was “not a reaction to U.S. policy or 9-11″ is hard to beat. U.N. Ambassador, Susan Rice, said yesterday that the Libyan military assault was “spontaneous” and “not a premeditated assault”.

Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif said,

“The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.”… [There is] “no doubt that this was preplanned, predetermined.”

Senator John McCain said,

“Most people don’t bring rocket-propelled grenades and heavy weapons to a demonstration,” he said. “That was an act of terror. And for anyone to disagree with that fundamental fact I think is really ignorant of the facts.”

A guard from the Libyan Embassy just reported that there was no protest at the Embassy on 9-11 until the 150 people making the military assault stormed onto the scene.


One aspect of delusional foreign policy can be illustrated with the story of Grizzly Man, Timothy Treadwell. Timothy went to live with grizzlies in Alaska and to be their friend. Timothy said that he understood grizzlies and they understood him, and they were buddies. It was a sweet idea, like in second grade when you send a note saying, “I like you, do you like me”, and you just know you are going to get a reply, “Yes, I do”. Sing Kumbaya.

Timothy was killed and eaten by the grizzlies.

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