The Mourning After

Mark Steyn’s election analysis:

I appreciate the sterling if pitiful efforts of my comrades to clutch at straws these last few hours, but, on this grim morning after, I fear the most salient analysis comes from Sir Richard Mottram, Her Britannic Majesty’s former Permanent Secretary for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, albeit speaking in another context:

“We’re all f***ed. I’m f***ed. You’re f***ed. The whole department’s f***ed. It’s been the biggest c**k-up ever and we’re all completely f***ed.”

Words to ponder.

[You can read about our future in Steyn's book, "After America".]


Neal Boortz analysis:

It’s not going to get better.  The welfare state will expand more.  The 49.1% of American households in which at least one member is getting an unearned check from government will grow to well over 50% by the next election.  The 60% of American households who get more unearned money from the government every year than they pay in taxes — that number will expand as well.  The numbers on food stamps and Social Security disability will expand, and ObamaCare will create still another dependent demographic, government health care dependents.  By 2016 the Democrats will have achieved their decades-long dream of being able to go into an election battle saying:  “If you vote for the Republicans they are going to take away your medical care.”

The argument could be made that this was our last chance .. this election … 2012.  Our LAST chance … and we blew it.  Turning this country back toward freedom, economic liberty and self reliance will be an even tougher task in the midterm elections of 2014, and probably impossible in 2016.  By 2016 even more Americans will realize that they can use the ballot as a weapon .. a legal weapon .. to do something that would put them in jail if they did it with a gun … and that is take someone else’s money.  Game. Set. Match.


We have published this quote before, but it’s worth re-reading today.  It was a letter to the editor after Obama’s first victory. The expressed fear about the intelligence of the electorate is painfully more obvious today:

 “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president… The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince… The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of Idiots such as those who made him president.”


A couple of good links:

Victory for the Demagogue

5 Big Stories The Media Will ‘Discover’ After The  Election

Here’s an email from Zack White to Instapundit that fits my mood today:

“If Obama is reelected, good hardworking people should give up and go Galt.  The tipping point is the 2012 election. Will the makers finally succumb to the takers? It’s pointless to think that if America reelects the most unqualified disastrous president in recent memory, we should stand our ground and continue fighting. it’s a signal that marxist free-lunchism and free birth control for everyone trump economic well-being and prosperity in the minds of the masses.  Give up. Go Galt. Protect what few assets you have left, and start to hunker down for the coming storm. America is beyond screwed, well past the fiscal insanity of a number of EU countries.  Think of it this way – we sit and watch California destroy itself and wonder who could be so foolish as to remain there and dedicate himself to indentured servitude in a state headed for disaster.  Why don’t those fools just leave!! Same for Venezuela. as they descend into chaos and totalitarianism, do they reject Chavez more? The answer is plainly no. The spiral down the drain is irreversible and obvious. The more the government creates misery, the more they create programs to help people cope with the misery they’ve created, and we achieve a perpetual negative feedback loop.  My advice is simple – if Obama is reelected, get a lawyer and a financial advisor, cash out as much of your assets as you can, and prepare yourself for a nosedive off a cliff. anything else would be imprudent and irresponsible to yourself and your dependents.  Who wants to be a Dagny Taggart dedicating themselves to a life of indentured servitude trying to correct the wrongs of a heavy handed government? i will not be volunteering.  I didn’t give up on America, America gave up on me.”


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