Odds ‘n Ends

Best Actor in a Tragic Drama:   Barack Obama     in    “Nothing Is Our Fault”

On the attempt to disown his sequestration plan:



Dan Mitchell has a good column explaining that the “devastating budget slashing of sequestration” is really just a slight decrease in the rate of growth.

sequester cuts


White House confirms:  Obama did NOTHING on Benghazi.  President Obama made no phone calls seeking help or information on the evening of September 11, 2012, during the seven or eight hours when Americans were fighting for their lives in Benghazi.

But, we can report that finally there are some arrests in Benghazi.  Four missionaries were arrested and charged with distributing Christian literature, a crime punishable by death.


George Will on “State of the Union Nonsense“….   in which Obama said that all his new programs would “not increase our deficit by a single dime”.   In spite of this and other lies, the national press again proved that they are foolish lapdogs with the single-minded goal of attacking conservatives.


Here is the great writer and thinker, Victor Davis Hansen, pondering how the world has changed in the last few years.


On Krugman and Zombies


twinkie_funeralAnd last, but not least, a Twinkie update…

After Bankrupting Hostess, Union Workers Rake In The  Federal Dough

It’s lawlessness and corruption, just like the “restructuring” of General Motors in which vast amounts of money were funneled to unions.

2 thoughts on “Odds ‘n Ends

  1. Oh good. New spending will “not increase our deficit by a single dime.”

    Just like we were promised taxes wouldn’t increase a single dime for anyone making less than $250k.

    • That’s correct, Bo. Not a single dime. Don’t worry about it a bit. And health care will cost much less, too. Obama estimated that the average family would save about $2,500 on reduced health care premiums if Obamacare passed.

      All you need to do to reduce costs is add over 120 new government bureaucracies and insure everyone. Why didn’t we think of that sooner. Governments do things efficiently and cheaply.

      If they forced the evil millionaires and billionaires to pay 100 percent of their income in taxes, that would only pay for our gargantuan government for a few weeks. But don’t worry, they’re not coming after the middle class at all. Not even for a dime…

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