Trayvon, And Why The World Is Not What It Seems

You remember when that racist white guy gunned down that cute little 12-year-old black boy in Florida last year… shooting him for no reason at all?  He just hunted the little boy down “like a rabid dog” and shot him in cold blood.

That’s the story that the race-baiters and most of the media told us about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.  All the usual mob creators worked at creating angry mobs. Racial animosity was generated across the country and many rallies ended in the exhortation to register and vote.  This is what the despicable professional race-baiters do for a living.  This socially destructive orchestrated drama is part of every pre-election season.

Those of us who followed the story closely know that the initially reported story bears almost no relationship to the truth.  That this incident was a terrible tragedy is the truth, but the nature of the assailant and victim is quite different from what we were told.

ZimmermanWhat we know about George Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic” shooter includes the following:

  • The man is not a racist.  He tutored minority children for free.  He went to bat for a black man who he thought was treated unfairly by the police.  A black friend who has know him for years spoke highly of his character.
  •  Zimmerman’s neighborhood had been hit by many home invasion robberies.  He had recently comforted a frightened neighbor after the woman was terrorized by a home burglary.  He was concerned about the safety of his own family and was part of a neighborhood effort to be watchful.  The sign at the entrance of his neighborhood said, “We report all suspicious persons & activities to the Sanford Police Department”.
  • Zimmerman did exactly as the sign said when he called the Sanford Police.  He wanted the police to handle it.  He did not try to run Trayvon down, nor could he have.  Trayvon, at 5’11′ and 160 pounds, was much more fit than Zimmerman.
  • An eyewitness to the fight that led to the shooting was interviewed 90 minutes afterward.   The witness said that he saw Martin straddling Zimmerman and violently battering him “MMA” style. The witness also said Zimmerman was the one screaming for help. A second witness also described a person on the ground with another straddling him and pounding his face.
  • When the police arrived, Zimmerman had a broken nose, two black eyes and cuts on the back of his head.  Trayvon had abrasions on his knuckles and a bullet wound.

Trayvon flipThe real Trayvon that emerges from his own social media sites and from disciplinary records is not quite as palatable as the imaginary version sold to us by the media.  The photo of Trayvon here is the photo he chose to represent himself in social media where he called himself ”No_Limit_Nigga”.

No_Limit_Nigga tweeted about his drugs, his “bitches”, his fondness for Mixed Martial Arts, etc., in barely literate conversations.  One of his friends, or marijuana customers, tweeted, “damn were you at   nigga needa plant”.  A cousin heard that Trayvon had punched a bus driver and tweeted,  ”Yu ain’t tell me yu swung on a bus driver”.

Trayvon had been suspended from school three times for offenses such as drug use and vandalism. The details of the third suspension are what I want to concentrate on here because they reinforce my point that the world is presented to you in a false way for political reasons.

Trayvon’s third suspension was the result of a school security officer finding Trayvon spraying “WTF” on the schools wall.  The officer inspected Trayvons backpack and found evidence of marijuana, a bag of women’s jewelry and a screwdriver, which the officer called a “burglary tool” in his report of the incident.  There were at least 12 pieces of women’s jewelry and a man’s watch in the bag.

When this incident was reported in the news after Trayvon’s death, Martins parents and their attorney indicated that the jewelry story was false and was simply a smear to make Trayvon look like a burglar, the very thing Zimmerman had feared that he was.  Attorney Benjamin Crump said of the burglary insinuation, “ If it were true, why wouldn’t they call the parents? Why wasn’t he arrested?”

Those questions were answered recently by the bloggers at The Last Refuge.  These citizen journalists uncovered an amazing plot to misrepresent facts about crime in the Miami-Dade School District.  The plot to hide information from the public involved the School Superintendent and the Police Chief, who has since lost his job.

Because there was a plot to hide criminal behavior, there was no attempt in cases like Trayvon’s to solve the crime and return the stolen property to it’s owner.  In Trayvon’s case, the stolen merchandise, which is in a police storage room, will likely be returned.  The bloggers tracked down a burglary reported near Trayvon’s school where the stolen jewelry matches the description of the jewelry in Trayvon’s pack.  Police have been notified of the apparent match.

Whether the issue is crime statistics, unemployment statistics, the cost of Obamacare, the “hockey stick” proof of global warming, the cause of the attack in Benghazi, the relationship of Islam to worldwide terror attacks, the seriousness of our President in controlling government spending, the relationship between gun laws and crime, etc., the news is filtered, shaped and delivered with a political agenda.  Reality is somewhere under and behind the official story.

5 thoughts on “Trayvon, And Why The World Is Not What It Seems

  1. This article should be required reading in schools where instead, every child is taught that white people are bad and black people are not responsible because white people are bad.

    There is also a general news black out on black gangs of kids beating up on white people and businesses, the cost of fuel, the cost of illegal immigration, the cost of welfare, and the cost of Obamacare.

  2. Pingback: Trayvon In Black And White | Reality Bats Last

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