Discrediting the Race Hustlers

 “We have a long history in this country of some people exploiting differences between us for their own advantage.   It’s a cynical appeal to the worst instincts in our great country.”                                                                     Al Sharpton   7-26-13

This should be the cover quote for Al’s own biography.  It fits him perfectly.

In “Trayvon And The Big Lie” I made the case that race hustlers like Sharpton have done immense damage to the country, especially to the black community.  They sell racial animosity and victimhood.  That is not a prescription for success.  It is time to cast these race-baiters aside.

It has been encouraging to see that many people have come to the same conclusion.  Important racial issues are finally being discussed honestly, not everywhere, to be sure, but it’s a start. Here is a sample of current commentary on the hustlers.

Michelle Malkin pulls no punches with “a strong, but worthy condemnation of a despicable man who lines his pockets by the misery of a community that he has misled and propagandized for years”-


I have an immense amount of respect for Walter Williams, and if you follow just one link from this post, let it be Walter’s column on Black Self-Sabotage.  It starts out like this –  ”If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn’t develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let’s look at it…. ”

Black writer Sonnie Johnson writes the following in, “Redefining Race in America” -  ”Until we recognize, understand, and destroy the progressive ideology, racism will always exist in America. As long as progressives with political power maintain their dependency groups and the cages of the inner city they have built to contain them, the failures of social engineering will continue to be blamed on the “white man’s capitalism” through the prism of race.”

From Gary DeMar’s essay on how black leaders exploit their people for political and financial gain -    “Jesse Jackson has made millions by “shakedown” tactics to extract money from corporations. Willie Ellis expressed his frustration with Jackson: “Open your
eyes: Jesse Jackson is for Jesse Jackson and Jesse Jackson only. He stole from
the people long enough. It’s time the people know the true man Jesse Jackson is.
He has rode on black peoples’ coattails long enough.” Harold Davis said Jackson
“is a shakedown artist, and nobody holds him accountable.”

Bill O’Reilly led his show with an honest discussion about race and the failure of black ‘leaders’ to address the real problems.  Of Sharpton and company he said, “They have failed. FAILED. to deal with problems in the black community and they make a lot of money promoting racial division… Talking Points believes the day of the race hustler has come to an end. This we and them business gets the country nowhere. There are severe problems in the black community that have to be solved… You bet, Al. Your day is done.”

Andrew McCarthy -  “The second thing to bear in mind is that race-baiting is the last resort of scoundrels whose insipid policy claims cannot survive collision with real-world conditions. The incitements that transform policy debates into an us-versus-them rumble are not about race per se. They are about advancing a hard-left agenda through the community organizer’s crude bag of tricks — the extortion that Alinskyites euphemistically call “direct action.”

Those who profit from racial divisions will fight to keep their power, but they must be discredited, for the good of the country.

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